Friday, April 2, 2021

Cancel Culture, censorship, religious freedom, and the spirit-crushing powershift happening right now

All people of every background deserve respect, dignity and the right to voice their opinions — but differing opinions require a two-way street too. One of the greatest traits we hold as Americans is the freedom to dialogue, to differ, to debate. It’s interesting though, how certain dissenting views are being threatened, bullied and silenced. For example, certain expressions of Judeo-Christian religions, conservative political views, and time-tested traditional views on family values are being removed, blocked and scrubbed from social media and the internet as if they never existed.

There seems to be a power shift regarding what and who is influencing our culture. I do not understand why a mere fraction, an extremely small percentage, the slightest margin of our population, a minuscule group compared to the whole, is being allowed to redefine what the bulk of us believe about the use of gender pronouns, faith, values and morals. Why do the fringes get to define the center for the rest of us?

Cultural boycotts are not new, but they seem to be picking up steam over the past few years. Perhaps you’ve heard about the recent controversies over several of Dr. Seuss’ books, cartoon characters such as PepĂ© Le Pew, and Disney classics like “Peter Pan” and “Dumbo.” Even common brand names have been besieged, like Aunt Jemima or the image of the American Indian girl on the Land O’ Lakes, which are all being removed. The popular term is “cancel culture.”

It’s one thing to withdraw your support or participation. It’s another to vilify and try to destroy another because you disagree with them, and that is where cancel culture often leads.

It’s not just cartoon characters and product labels under siege. People who are not in line with the mainstream media and much of Hollywood are being punished or ostracized for the crime of being “offensive.”

Is this “cancel culture” a fad, will it work and to what ends, and why don’t more people speak up against it? If a position or stance is deemed offensive, does that give a select few the right to ban it for the rest of us? How long until they try to cancel the Bible for what it says about morality, family and the idea that biologically there are only two genders? How long until verses like Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” are categorized as hate speech?

The Equality Act (basically an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964) which passed in the House last month could be setting a dangerous precedent, overriding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. Apparently this new law could prevent churches from interpreting and communicating what they believe Scripture to say without the threat of repercussions. For example, according to the Equality Act, if a biological male identifies as a female, he has government protection to use the women’s restroom in your church. This is insanity. How did we ever get to this place?

Discrimination based on someone’s race or religion is wrong, but you can’t force a Jewish deli to serve barbecued pork either. There has to be some balance and common sense that we all can apply. If your goal is to gain acceptance or approval for your alternative lifestyles, silencing your dissenters won’t accomplish it.

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