Sunday, September 19, 2021

Truth about God: Book Review

At one time, it probably seemed like most of your family and everyone around you from your next-door neighbors to the mailman to the lunch lady knew and believed in God. Lately, it seems like less and less people are committed to a local church, and even less seem to be interested in a personal relationship with Jesus.

What complicates this bleak situation even further is the fact that people who resist committing to church/Jesus have begun to ask some fairly sophisticated questions — they raise serious objections to following Jesus, and many of us feel stumped, stumbling around searching for satisfactory answers.

In other words, it’s gotten harder to share our beliefs with the world around us. There are multiple challenges to sharing and defending our faith these days, and it only seems like our job is going to get harder as time goes on.

People frequently ask me for resources they can read up on to sharpen their understanding of difficult topics and hone their evangelistic skills. I’ll point you to a valuable resource with a powerful framework that helps us understand some of the contemporary threats to the Christian faith, a book that helps you comprehend the modern world, and will help you to communicate the timeless truths of Scripture.

Here’s one of the most helpful resources I can recommend to you if you are interested in defending your Christian faith and if you need some encouragement to be more evangelistic.

Richard Knopp’s “Truth About God: What We Can Know and How Can We Know It” is a book that draws on Scripture, history, tradition, ration/reason and experience, and it is full of useful information.

This book is appealing because it is very compact, and it’s written clearly and concisely. It addresses many of the concerns of doubters, skeptics and unbelievers that you might interact with. It is an exciting read that is insightful, helpful and thought provoking.

Knopp provides useful terminology. He unpacks philosophical terminology in plain, easily understandable language, offering wise direction couched in solid principles.

It’s rare to find such a book that not only addresses current challenges but is written with a respectable/considerate tone, and presents powerful propositions about an engaging topic: God. What the title promises, the book delivers on. It is written with intellectual integrity, and it’s reinforced with reflective discussion questions at the conclusion of each chapter, so you could read this alone or with your small group.

If we plan to fulfill the Great Commission, we need to take our own personal study seriously. Knopp’s book has many practical approaches that can be utilized by everyone, and it doesn’t require a graduate degree to understand it.

Apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith, isn’t an esoteric art reserved for an elite guild of cloistered monks — it’s part and parcel of experiencing Jesus as His disciples. This book instills confidence as it equips, educates and inspires.

I truly believe it can help you too, and I hope you’ll consider adding it to your personal library at home.

Originally published here: 

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