Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The blind ignorance of virtue signaling


A popular (stale I should say) meme that flows like leftover gravy this time of year that is meant to shame you if you are in favor of securing our southern border, building the wall, or simply enforcing our immigration laws. Many who think this worn-out meme backs up their views on laxer immigration laws might be missing the point of it all. 

Or there’s this meme of Shame:

Somehow you are not a good Christian if you think immigration laws exist for a reason, and you shamefully have disowned your faith because you have hardened your heart to wandering alien.   


The native Americans didn't have a written constitution like we have, or any written laws pertaining to immigration, and, they were very territorial themselves with the differing tribes.  The Bible implies God established kingdoms and their rulers, and those living in the land need to obey the law of the land.  Therefore, people who desire to live here need to follow the laws applied to U.S. citizenship.

Thankfully, the pilgrims received the hospitality they did.  If you want to shame Americans today into opening our borders, Thanksgiving isn't the way.  The native Americans were not natives to this hemisphere.  They themselves traveled here, some from Asia, some from northeastern Europe.  

There is irrefutable historical evidence Egyptians, Mediterranean sailors, and Mideasterners all traveled and traded with the people living in the Western Hemisphere as early as 7000 BC.  So the pilgrims were not the first white people to try to settle here.  And, the chances are that the Indians who hosted the pilgrims on the first thanksgiving more than likely wrested their chunk of land away from a previous occupant.

To make matters worse, people try to tie Bible passages in with this meme, as if defending your country's borders is anti-Christian.  Paul observed, respected, and obeyed Roman laws pertaining to his status as a citizen, and invoked those privileges when it benefited him.  Both the Old and New Testament have instruction on obeying the laws of the land, respecting authorities, and the value boundaries.  

I have no idea what the agenda is of people who think this meme and what it represents somehow diminishes the necessity of proper immigration statuses.  It is not callous or ungracious to expect people to enter our country legally and follow the proper channels to attain citizenship.  It is fair and kind, we are not closed to the world, we have reasons to ask people to respect our path to citizenship.   It’s not much different locking your front door at night or your car, you do not let just anyone drive your car or take up residence in your home without your permission.  

It is civilized to follow the laws of the land you seek to belong to.  And contrary to this virtue signaling meme, each and every country requires defined boundaries and borders to be recognized as a country, disrespecting this basic principle erodes the very foundation of civilization and that would be unchristian. 

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